Holmeswood Village Hall

Village Hall

This page is for all up and coming events at the hall

Take a look in our guestbook!

The Hall is available for hire most days/evenings.

For more information call our booking secretary on 01704 821354


Village Hall

Bowling Club
Tennis Club
Bantam Ass.
Local Business
News Letter
Rufford & Holmeswood Parish Council
The Old School

Were we are
Rufford Village
Properies for sale

New Nursery School At The Village Hall.
Sue Whitney is opening a morning nursery school at the village hall in January 2006. She is a Qualified and experienced early years teacher. There will be limited places available for 3 and 4 year olds. It will be open from 8:30an till 12:30pm week days. Sue can be contacted on 01704 823104 should you wish to discuss anything with her.


Inside the Village Hall before the bowling clubs Presidents day 2003

Inside the Village Hall before the bowling clubs Presidents day 2003
Information provided by Janet Caunce